Election ToDo

Election calendar and task tracking


Create project plans, tasks, schedules, and more.


Assign tasks, communicate deadlines,
and view milestones as a team.


View all upcoming tasks and deadlines across TED Modules.

Confidently countdown to Election Day

Take charge of your election office's productivity with Election ToDo, the ultimate election calendar management solution. Election ToDo empowers election offices to seamlessly schedule milestones, deadlines, and relevant projects leading up to Election Day. With integrated task and process management, Election ToDo enables efficient collaboration, assigning tasks to specific users for tracking, updates, and document attachments.

Visualize your tasks and goals

Election ToDo allows users to track their status regarding different election-related tasks. This module displays a calendar view of all projects and responsibilities to be completed along with their name, responsibility type, start and end time, and a description if applicable.

Stay on top of To-Dos by planning tomorrow, today

Election ToDo's focus on time management tools ensures no task is overlooked. Trust in Election ToDo's intuitive interface and configurable options to optimize your election calendar, enhancing collaboration, ensuring deadlines are met, and driving success.

All your election goals
in clear sight.

Technical features

Explore Election AIM's unique features in this menu to see how this solution configures to your workflow.

Create workflows for your office.

Districts can use Election AIM to create workflows and chain-of-custody for voting machines, inventory, and other critical election equipment.

Scan barcoded seals & RFID tags.

Election AIM enables efficient inventory management with scanning, barcoded seals, and RFID tags through a mobile app, complete with up-to-date lists, location tracking, and more.

Track chain-of-custody.

Send us a message to request a demo to see how workflows can be tracked in your voting district.

Integrate with other solutions.

This solution also supports workflow and teams using Precinct Central and Election Force.

Thinking of upgrading?
